My background

2022 Certified coach IoPT
2021 Certified Nutritional Psychology Consultant IKP
Since 2020 Responsible for the HPZ Glarnerland nutrition concept (changeover from conventional to needs-based and seasonal cuisine), nutritional psychological counselling for learners with overweight and obesity.
2017 – 2019 Certified holistic nutritionist IKP
1996 – 2018 Various activities in finance and marketing
2006 – 2008 Swiss certified marketing planner, SAWI
1992 – 1996 Commercial employee with federal certificate of proficiency
1987 – 1992 Gymnasium Cantonal School Glarus
Geb. 1974 in Glarus GL

Languages: German, English, French, Greek, Italian.

Various shorter trainings in nutrition, psychology and coaching as well as ongoing trainings.

“The strange paradox is that if I accept myself as I am, I gain the possibility to change.”

Carl R. Rogers

My story

Ever since I can remember, food has played a big role in my life. Whether it’s because of my Greek genes, the pleasure food gives me or simply because I’m a pleasure seeker, I love food.

Permanent diet

I was born with a normal weight and was a bit chubby between the ages of nine and eleven. The associated insults accompanied me from then on.

Puberty also marked the start of my first diet and I unconsciously laid the foundation for my eating disorder. A long path of suffering began, characterised by hope, partial successes, failure and self-condemnation, reinforcing the feeling of not being enough.

The tighter I tightened my dietary corset and the more excessive my exercise sessions, the greater the moments of tipping in the other direction. I had declared war on my body and was convinced that everything could be controlled by my head and discipline.

This was the case for a long time in my life. What felt like 28 years of continuous dieting, a well-founded, self-studied knowledge of nutrition, sport and behavioural training did not bring the desired result. There had to be something else, something deeper.


In 2017, I was ready to turn to my life’s theme and began the training to become a holistic nutritional counsellor IKP or nutritional-psychological counsellor IKP.

During my four-year study, which was marked by a lot of self-awareness, I experienced that losing or gaining weight is much more complex than assumed and does not only depend on our will. My personal history and the associated imprints, the access to my feelings expressed themselves in all areas of life. They presented me with the same challenges until I looked. The process of looking was sobering at times, but brought the peace I had longed for, as I discovered the real reasons for my urge to eat. When I looked at these and gave them space, the inner tension eased. As a result, the resources that existed in me gained strength, which brought about the long-awaited changes.

2022 the journey continues with my training as a certified coach IoPT. Identity-oriented psychotrauma therapy (IoPT) is a psychotherapeutic intervention method developed by the psychotraumatologist Franz Ruppert, which focuses on strengthening one’s own identity. I consider my experience with this method to date as a gift.

I have overcome my eating disorder. Today I have a good relationship with my body and pay attention to its signals. I have discovered how much power there is in healthy eating without sacrificing pleasure. As a passionate cook, I like to try new things. I exercise because it does me good and allow myself rest and relaxation when I feel like it. When challenging times bring up old remnants of my biography, I see them as loving reminders to take a closer look at my life.

Therefore, I can only encourage and invite you to walk the path of self-encounter.

Yours, Alexandra Weber


© 2025 – Alexandra Weber
Member professional association epb-schweiz